Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Su ilgesiu
Galvojau rašyti ilgą laišką draugams, bet nusprendžiau parašyti į blogą. Neasmeniškas dalykas tas internetas ir visokie blogai šmogai, bet ech... parašysiu čia :} kažkodėl šiandien labai nostalgiškai ir su ilgesiu mastau...
Matyt man ir vėl atrodo, kaip ir pirma (kai buvau Danijoje) - kad jau šimtas metų praėjo nuo tada, kai buvau Lietuvoje, atrodo, kad šimtas ivykių pasauly ir Lietuvoj ivyko. O iš tikrųjų taigi atostogavau Lietuvoj dar liepos mėnesį, o dabar gi spalio pabaiga... Taigi... O man atrodo, kad prieš šimtą metų. Keistas dalykas tas laikas - būčiau Lietuvoj, tai atrodytų tas pats per tą patį, jokių didelių pokyčių, o dabar... Toks jausmas kad kelis metus nemačiau draugų ir giminių :} ir kad tiek
daug visko pasikeitė. Keista...
Šiandien užsidėjau paklausyt Rimo rusiškų dainų rinkinį, ir pirma daina užgrojo „S nova meždu nami goroda“ - taip gera ant dušios pasidarė. Pasiilgau gerietiško ir normalaus bendravimo su žmonėmis, kurie su sveika galva :} Kažkaip labai sentimentaliai aš šiandien... Pradėjau blaškytis po pasaulį... ir blaškausi... Nors aišku, liūdnoka gal aš čia gaida... būtų ką veikti Lietuvoj, tai gyvenciau ir į Afriką atostogų skraidyčiau :}}} O dabar nėr ką veikt Lietuvoj, tai Afriką gelbėju :) Matyt pasiilgau visų ir tėvynės :}
Jei rimtai, tai su tuo gelbėjimu... nežinau, ar as čia gelbėju ar negelbėju... Bet stengiuosi tikėti tuo, ką darau, ir tada sekasi visai gerai, o kartai netgi puikiai.
Keistas čia man gyvenimas. Oras keistas - atrodo, kad vis vasara vasara, o rudens ir nėra?! Karšta nerealiai, net per pačius didziausius karščius Lietuvoj taip nebūna - dabar kiaurą parą prakaitas teka... Tikrąja to žodžio prasme - teka. Kartais lašais per nugarą, per rankas, veidą... Dieną ir naktį :) sunku miegoti, o dviračiu minti irgi daug pastangų kartais reikia. Dabar jau greitai turi prasidėti lietingasis sezonas, tai tada bus karšta ir dar lis per kiauras dienas. Taip diena dienon ir kepu.
Turiu nedidelį daržą, laistau kas dieną, tai visi kas netingi - apie mano agurkus šokinėja. Rankom mojuoja, stebisi, grožisi, su pavydu į pomidorus, agurkus žiūri. Per du mėnesius daržas taip išvešėjo, kad jau greitai galėsiu apsiryti agurkais. Tai visi juodukai pavydi nerealiai. Ir visi prašo agurkų sėklų, o aš jiems visiems garsiai atsakau, kad reikia ne gerų sėklų, o daug VANDENS IR MEILĖS!!!
Dar viena naujiena. Nutiko man šeštadienį. Tądien turėjo įvykti savanorių susirinkimas - tai nuo ryto ruošiausi - pusryčiai dušas make-upas. O tada kažkas į duris bar bar bar (šiaip durys pas mane neužsidaro. myli mane tie juodukai). Aš duše, tai Eva atidarė duris ir sako - "Vaida, tavęs kažkas ieško". Aš išlendu iš dušo, pasižiūriu pro durų tarpą, kažkoks negras lauke sėdi. Nu blyn, galvoju, ar paliksit mane ramybėj nors šeštadienį. Ir taip nuo 7 ryto iki vakaro durys neužsidaro, o čia dar ir šeštadienį. Nei aš prisimenu tą negrą, nei man įdomu. ko jis nori. Taigi išeinu karingai nusiteikus (kaip man čia dabar jau dažnai būna), o tas pradeda savo kalbą (o kalba jie taip - kad galima į orą išlėkti - pradeda nuo caro ruriko laikų istorijas porinti, kad pusę valandos nesuprasi, ko nori. Dabar aš jau nebeklausau tų juodukų - tiesiai sakau - nepasakok man nuo pasaulio pradžios, sakyk ko nori!). Tai va.
Tai šitas juodukas pasirodo iš kažkur sužinojo, kad čia gyvena viena savanorė lietuvė - t.y. aš. Ir tada jis pasake savo draugui lietuviui, kad kažkur šitam rajone yra lietuvė. O tas lietuvis, Edmundas vardu, liepė tam juodukui tikrai išsiaiskinti, ar yra lietuvė, ar nėra. Tai va.
Negras mane surado, atraportavo Edmundui ir tada Edmundas su savo bobike atvažiavo į mane pažiūrėti. Ir pasikvietė į svečius, ir kepėm pyragą, ir davė man kompaktų "Kavkazkaja plennica" ir "Operacija Y ir kiti Šuriko nuotykiai" pažiūrėti. Taip susipažinau su šeimyna - Edmundu ir Kristina, ir jų sūnais.
Gera buvo paplepėti su jais ir pabendrauti, tai kokį savaitgalį, kai bus laiko, numinsiu pas juos dviračiu. Jie jau 5 metus čia gyvena, tai lietuviško bendravimo pasiilgę.
Gavau iš draugės emailą, tai pralinksmino vienu klausimu mane – ar reikia dviračiams keisti padangas į žiemines :} ha ha Padangas čia dviračiams reikia keisti ištisai - nes ant žemės nuo velniai žino kokių augalų būna spyglių, tai jie kiaurai padangas pavaro. Buvau užlipus ir su basa koja porą kartų... ne per smagiausias jausmas... O žieminių padangų dviračiam čia nereikia, nes amžina vasara...
Dar parašysiu apie maistą. Labai jau vienodas - aišku, galima prisipirkti visko, yra prekybos centras mieste (valanda-pusantros kelio nuo čia) – bet gan brangu. Nes gaunu apie 150 eurų per mėnesį, tai transportas brangus čia, dar kokią suknią nusiperku, pakeliauti norisi savaitgaliais, tad maisto įvairovei nelieka pinigų. Pomidorai, agurkai, kopūstai, bananai, papajos, dabar mangų sezonas prasideda, ryžiai, makaronai, kiaušiniai, bulvės, jau beveik vegetare patapau :} Labai truksta pieno produktų... suris labai brangus ir neaiškios kokybės, pienas iš miltelių, arba pieno milteliai... jogurtai irgi manau iš milteliu... Tai skonis kaip netikro pieno. Arba miltelių ha :}
Tai tiek, išpasakojau kažkiek daugiau apie savo afrikietiską gyvenimą :}
Patinka man čia, ypač oras - kad nešalta, o jeigu ne tokiam užkampy gyvenčiau - kad iki miesto kartais ir su trim transportais (mašina, dviračių taxi ir mikriuku) reikia važiuoti - tai būtų super gerai. Aišku, pavargau nuo tų žmonių (nes 99 procentai visiškai buki, net neįsivaizuojamai nedirba pas juos smegenys, nuo pat kūdikystės niekas jų nemoko mąstyti) ir nuo to dėmesio. Maniau, kad Afrika bus kaip atostogos - o dabar žiūriu, kad man reikia atostogų nuo Afrikos. Būtų smagu į Europą kokiai porai savaičių sugrįžti pailsėti, komfortą prisiminti :)
Tai tiek šiam kartui.
Pasiilgau bučiuoju
P.S. Vis žadu parašyti apie savo darbą. Ir niekaip neprisiruošiu. Pažadu :} kitą kartą būtinai parašysiu :}
P.P.S. Aš turiu tik kelias nuotraukas, kuriose esu aš. Dažniausiai esu ta, kuri fotografuoja... Todėl šį kartą įdėjau savo mėgėjiškus piešinius, laiškelį nuo vieno iš draugų ir kelias mylimiausių vaikų nuotraukas :}
Monday, 27 September 2010
My life
It is a very long time since I wrote in my blog. So I suppose in that month that I was not writing something happened in my life. I went to Lake Malawi and spent there three nice (or I should say amazing? Maybe no – I think I am already addicted to that word) days. I wanted to climb a baobab tree and almost succeeded to lift my self more than one meter. I think it is a very good progress in my physical development. Since I fall on almost every stone that I find in my way.
I was swimming in Lake Malawi. And I remember very clear how all danish people told us that it is very dangerous to swim there because the water is not clean and there are all the kinds of diseases and worms and all the evil of the world in that lake. So I presume that now I have all the diseases in the world. I don't think that is a very big achievement but I enjoyed swimming even if I was doing that near the shit pipe. The pipe from the village toilet going straight to the water of the lake. I hope it wasn't a shit pipe. But with my luck... what other pipe it could be. And in that free days I danced with my friend in one local pub and it was something!!! All the people went out of the building to look at us. We were dancing in the “disco-garden/yard” anf they were having a lot of fun. The best circus that I made in my life. After that we had to run from one very annoying Malawian man (actually two men...) which wanted to escort us to our room in rest house. But anyway I enjoyed dancing very much.
What else happened in that time... Mhm... Oh, I climbed a mountain. Almost died on the way to peak. But two Malawian friends – Patrick and Frank that lead me and Eva to the top of the mountain really made a show for women. We are women and we are supposed to be weak. Ha ha dream about it Malawian men! Of course we couldn't climb and sing – like Patrick and Frank did! - because we were almost dieing! But we reached the peak of the mountain. And even saw some monkeys or baboons (I can't imagine what is the difference) on the way. And with my life style – cigarettes and other things :} I was an am very proud that I climbed that mountain.
What else... Many things. I wanted to dye my hair with red colour but I realized that I don't need more attention here. I greet one thousand people every day. “Hello, how are you? What is your name?” are the questions that I answer one thousand times per day. And still I am smiling and answering.
I got a very nice letter from the policeman that I met in Lilongwe airport when I arrived in Africa.
I was thinking to stop smoking when I am in Africa. But so many people here tried to brainwash me about smoking (apparently even god and bible doesn't approve that! (I was told) Ha!) that I decided I will smoke as long as I can. So in that letter from policeman:
“Dear Vaida
I know its long time without writing ur e-mail i was sick suffering from malaria this time im okey hopefully u're totally fine enjoyinng Africa,as isaid i want you stay.
lovely question are u still smoking and how many cigaretes did you smoke.i love you stop smocking pliz.
Brgds, Bex“
So.... How can I stop smoking. I am too stubborn to do that. Really.
What else happened in my life... I am not writing about my work and how I am saving the world (and myself sometimes) because it is another issue (this is favourite african word “issue”). Next time I will be very serious and I will write how I am saving the world.
So... I was robbed. I would like to think about that like a donation to Malawian economy. So I donated my purse (really nice purse), my mobile (with all numbers of all my Lithuanian friends, family, colleagues and many people), my ipod and key of my house. The conclusion: I am saving the world so I will never be rich. So why do I need a purse. My mobile... It was very old model. And now I am completely free – I have no telephone numbers, like Depeche Mode sings : ”No strings attached, just free love” - I would rephrase “Just freedom :} About ipod... I really hated that it was pink. I am not a pink girl. And my key. Really. That was the only thing that made me angry. I didn't want to donate my key to some Malawian thief. Really.
I almost forgot to write that I got my ass kicked in pool game. Three times. Of course one time I “pushed” the black ball in the hole myself so I can blame only myself that I lost the first game. But it was a big mistake because after that I was destroyed psychologically. And the person who kicked my ass three times this sunday insisted that I should write his name. So, with all the respect for a good game and all the hatred that I lost I announce that Fraser kicked my ass three times. BUT... I won the first game when we played couple of weeks ago. And I am going to win next time. So these three times doesn't count ha ha :}}}
Other things what happened is that I have my insomnia again. And more news in my life: Sometimes I miss normal conversation without speaking how I can take somebody to Europe or how I can marry somebody or give money to somebody. I miss speaking in Lithuanian and swearing in Lithuanian. Thats why I am very happy that two Lithuanians - one girl and one guy arrived to farmers club project and I am definitelly going to visit them. I enjoyed this weekend when they came to visit Chilangoma. It was so nice to hear "blet" and other nice words :}}}
Ok. For today I think is enough. I will copy paste what I wrote earlier about my knees and my children. About my best friend I wrote today :} I always think to whom I am writing my blog... Maybe I should start “Dear diary” but it sounds quite creepy. I hope, my friends - you will enjoy reading. Because I am writing to you. Oh, I forgot to say – My life is perfect and I am completely happy here in Malawi! And I miss you very much. And of course I love you.
My knees
On Sunday I went to the market, I always forget how it is called. Maybe because I have this problem with all kinds of names here. I think the market is called Mambo market. So I went there on Sunday. I put on summer dress which turned to be quite a mistake. Because it was without sleeves and covered just a half of my knees. Even very small or weak (I don't know how to say in English :} wind can blow my dress a little bit up and then you can see what? My KNEES or my legs above my knees. I don't mind people looking at my knees but please – not in such quantities. I heard something that knees or upper part of legs are very intimate part of body here. And shoulders a little bit intimate too. So I was very clever :} to go with that dress. Half of the time I felt if I am naked or something like that. Anyway I had a very good time in the market. I met one thousand people again and heard one thousand names which I wouldn't remember even if somebody put a gun to my head :} Ha, but all this knees shoulders or naked stomach issue (ha ha I started to use favourite Malawian words :) is quite funny because you can feed baby and show your boobs in the middle of the street. Or just to show your boobs :} without any baby. Ha ha :}
My Children
I came to Malawi on the 6th of August and today is the 25th. During that time I scared 5 children. I don't know if it is a big number. But now I am 29 years old and as far as I remember I never scared a child. So I guess this is quite a good number. And I promise to improve these skills and at the end of my time here I will have a big number of scared children (hopefully :} But really!!! When I was speaking with children they never cried but here ha ha :} they hide behind their moms and they start to cry if I come closer. Of course not all of them but some are scared :}
Today is 27th and I scared 2 kids more :}
I will keep counting :}
Today is 4th of September and I have 14 scared kids in my “account”.
Ha today is 13th of September. Last week I went to my preschools. When I arrived at one my best preschools there were more than 5 children scared and crying. I will stop counting from today. After couple of months the number will be too scary for myself...
Ok, today is 27th and number of scared children... I am too scared to say that number. But now I started to enjoy that. I had a very good time when the teacher had to put 3 kids to eat lunch in the other room because they couldn't stop crying ( or I should say screaming... ?). Anyway what can I do. Maybe it is because I don't put make up here in Africa. But I don't think so. Ha ha!
The last picture is quite funny. It happened during teacher training day. The mother just gave me that girl and disappeared. The girl was ok but later she started to look for the milk (and I don't have any!) and the big crocodile tears started to fall from her eyes. I tried to find the mom but I didn't remember how she looks. I still have this problem – many of african people for me looks the same. So... I had a crying baby and zero milk in my boobs. So definitely this baby-crying thing is not because of make up :}}} I am white and I don't produce milk. That's it.
My best friend
I have this text about my friend in my head for two days. I keep it in my head and I "write" every morning more. And still – now when I started to write it seems that I don't know what to write. No no no, I am confused – actually I know what to write. So, my best friend:
I will start from that - she is amazing. She is from Hungary and she is very beautiful. I could be jealous because I am not so beautiful. But in Malawi when I can choose a boyfriend or a husband from half of population (which is something 14 or more million so half is 7 million or more haha :) I feel like the Second Queen of the world. While my best friend is the First Queen.
When I saw her first time in Holsted I thought that she is the most beautiful there and I could say – in Denmark. So it is so surprising to me that she doesn't think about her like that.
She makes me feel good and happy. I like to speak with her and to share even the most stupid thoughts that are born in my head. I can say to her many things and I feel that it is interesting to her. I take her a s example in many situations and really she is a good friend.
She is always trying to make me feel old. Because I am almost thirty. And she is as well. But now she decided to say to everybody that she is 25. And she will keep saying that until she will be 80 and she will look like a sponge – with one thousand wrinkles :} Good luck to her with that:}}} Sometimes when she starts to speak I feel like if I am standing under the shower of words. Ha ha :) And I can't say even a small word. She wanted to dye her hair with my favourite colour that I was using half of my life and when I said that it is my colour she accused me of copying her! She is amazing and she is my best friend here. Even if sometimes I want to shake her very very much and to kick out some stupid ideas from her head. And still I love her very much. And she is amazing (have I said that already? :}
It is a very long time since I wrote in my blog. So I suppose in that month that I was not writing something happened in my life. I went to Lake Malawi and spent there three nice (or I should say amazing? Maybe no – I think I am already addicted to that word) days. I wanted to climb a baobab tree and almost succeeded to lift my self more than one meter. I think it is a very good progress in my physical development. Since I fall on almost every stone that I find in my way.
I was swimming in Lake Malawi. And I remember very clear how all danish people told us that it is very dangerous to swim there because the water is not clean and there are all the kinds of diseases and worms and all the evil of the world in that lake. So I presume that now I have all the diseases in the world. I don't think that is a very big achievement but I enjoyed swimming even if I was doing that near the shit pipe. The pipe from the village toilet going straight to the water of the lake. I hope it wasn't a shit pipe. But with my luck... what other pipe it could be. And in that free days I danced with my friend in one local pub and it was something!!! All the people went out of the building to look at us. We were dancing in the “disco-garden/yard” anf they were having a lot of fun. The best circus that I made in my life. After that we had to run from one very annoying Malawian man (actually two men...) which wanted to escort us to our room in rest house. But anyway I enjoyed dancing very much.
What else happened in that time... Mhm... Oh, I climbed a mountain. Almost died on the way to peak. But two Malawian friends – Patrick and Frank that lead me and Eva to the top of the mountain really made a show for women. We are women and we are supposed to be weak. Ha ha dream about it Malawian men! Of course we couldn't climb and sing – like Patrick and Frank did! - because we were almost dieing! But we reached the peak of the mountain. And even saw some monkeys or baboons (I can't imagine what is the difference) on the way. And with my life style – cigarettes and other things :} I was an am very proud that I climbed that mountain.
What else... Many things. I wanted to dye my hair with red colour but I realized that I don't need more attention here. I greet one thousand people every day. “Hello, how are you? What is your name?” are the questions that I answer one thousand times per day. And still I am smiling and answering.
I got a very nice letter from the policeman that I met in Lilongwe airport when I arrived in Africa.
I was thinking to stop smoking when I am in Africa. But so many people here tried to brainwash me about smoking (apparently even god and bible doesn't approve that! (I was told) Ha!) that I decided I will smoke as long as I can. So in that letter from policeman:
“Dear Vaida
I know its long time without writing ur e-mail i was sick suffering from malaria this time im okey hopefully u're totally fine enjoyinng Africa,as isaid i want you stay.
lovely question are u still smoking and how many cigaretes did you smoke.i love you stop smocking pliz.
Brgds, Bex“
So.... How can I stop smoking. I am too stubborn to do that. Really.
What else happened in my life... I am not writing about my work and how I am saving the world (and myself sometimes) because it is another issue (this is favourite african word “issue”). Next time I will be very serious and I will write how I am saving the world.
So... I was robbed. I would like to think about that like a donation to Malawian economy. So I donated my purse (really nice purse), my mobile (with all numbers of all my Lithuanian friends, family, colleagues and many people), my ipod and key of my house. The conclusion: I am saving the world so I will never be rich. So why do I need a purse. My mobile... It was very old model. And now I am completely free – I have no telephone numbers, like Depeche Mode sings : ”No strings attached, just free love” - I would rephrase “Just freedom :} About ipod... I really hated that it was pink. I am not a pink girl. And my key. Really. That was the only thing that made me angry. I didn't want to donate my key to some Malawian thief. Really.
I almost forgot to write that I got my ass kicked in pool game. Three times. Of course one time I “pushed” the black ball in the hole myself so I can blame only myself that I lost the first game. But it was a big mistake because after that I was destroyed psychologically. And the person who kicked my ass three times this sunday insisted that I should write his name. So, with all the respect for a good game and all the hatred that I lost I announce that Fraser kicked my ass three times. BUT... I won the first game when we played couple of weeks ago. And I am going to win next time. So these three times doesn't count ha ha :}}}
Other things what happened is that I have my insomnia again. And more news in my life: Sometimes I miss normal conversation without speaking how I can take somebody to Europe or how I can marry somebody or give money to somebody. I miss speaking in Lithuanian and swearing in Lithuanian. Thats why I am very happy that two Lithuanians - one girl and one guy arrived to farmers club project and I am definitelly going to visit them. I enjoyed this weekend when they came to visit Chilangoma. It was so nice to hear "blet" and other nice words :}}}
Ok. For today I think is enough. I will copy paste what I wrote earlier about my knees and my children. About my best friend I wrote today :} I always think to whom I am writing my blog... Maybe I should start “Dear diary” but it sounds quite creepy. I hope, my friends - you will enjoy reading. Because I am writing to you. Oh, I forgot to say – My life is perfect and I am completely happy here in Malawi! And I miss you very much. And of course I love you.
My knees
On Sunday I went to the market, I always forget how it is called. Maybe because I have this problem with all kinds of names here. I think the market is called Mambo market. So I went there on Sunday. I put on summer dress which turned to be quite a mistake. Because it was without sleeves and covered just a half of my knees. Even very small or weak (I don't know how to say in English :} wind can blow my dress a little bit up and then you can see what? My KNEES or my legs above my knees. I don't mind people looking at my knees but please – not in such quantities. I heard something that knees or upper part of legs are very intimate part of body here. And shoulders a little bit intimate too. So I was very clever :} to go with that dress. Half of the time I felt if I am naked or something like that. Anyway I had a very good time in the market. I met one thousand people again and heard one thousand names which I wouldn't remember even if somebody put a gun to my head :} Ha, but all this knees shoulders or naked stomach issue (ha ha I started to use favourite Malawian words :) is quite funny because you can feed baby and show your boobs in the middle of the street. Or just to show your boobs :} without any baby. Ha ha :}
My Children
I came to Malawi on the 6th of August and today is the 25th. During that time I scared 5 children. I don't know if it is a big number. But now I am 29 years old and as far as I remember I never scared a child. So I guess this is quite a good number. And I promise to improve these skills and at the end of my time here I will have a big number of scared children (hopefully :} But really!!! When I was speaking with children they never cried but here ha ha :} they hide behind their moms and they start to cry if I come closer. Of course not all of them but some are scared :}
Today is 27th and I scared 2 kids more :}
I will keep counting :}
Today is 4th of September and I have 14 scared kids in my “account”.
Ha today is 13th of September. Last week I went to my preschools. When I arrived at one my best preschools there were more than 5 children scared and crying. I will stop counting from today. After couple of months the number will be too scary for myself...
Ok, today is 27th and number of scared children... I am too scared to say that number. But now I started to enjoy that. I had a very good time when the teacher had to put 3 kids to eat lunch in the other room because they couldn't stop crying ( or I should say screaming... ?). Anyway what can I do. Maybe it is because I don't put make up here in Africa. But I don't think so. Ha ha!
The last picture is quite funny. It happened during teacher training day. The mother just gave me that girl and disappeared. The girl was ok but later she started to look for the milk (and I don't have any!) and the big crocodile tears started to fall from her eyes. I tried to find the mom but I didn't remember how she looks. I still have this problem – many of african people for me looks the same. So... I had a crying baby and zero milk in my boobs. So definitely this baby-crying thing is not because of make up :}}} I am white and I don't produce milk. That's it.
My best friend
I have this text about my friend in my head for two days. I keep it in my head and I "write" every morning more. And still – now when I started to write it seems that I don't know what to write. No no no, I am confused – actually I know what to write. So, my best friend:
I will start from that - she is amazing. She is from Hungary and she is very beautiful. I could be jealous because I am not so beautiful. But in Malawi when I can choose a boyfriend or a husband from half of population (which is something 14 or more million so half is 7 million or more haha :) I feel like the Second Queen of the world. While my best friend is the First Queen.
When I saw her first time in Holsted I thought that she is the most beautiful there and I could say – in Denmark. So it is so surprising to me that she doesn't think about her like that.
She makes me feel good and happy. I like to speak with her and to share even the most stupid thoughts that are born in my head. I can say to her many things and I feel that it is interesting to her. I take her a s example in many situations and really she is a good friend.
She is always trying to make me feel old. Because I am almost thirty. And she is as well. But now she decided to say to everybody that she is 25. And she will keep saying that until she will be 80 and she will look like a sponge – with one thousand wrinkles :} Good luck to her with that:}}} Sometimes when she starts to speak I feel like if I am standing under the shower of words. Ha ha :) And I can't say even a small word. She wanted to dye her hair with my favourite colour that I was using half of my life and when I said that it is my colour she accused me of copying her! She is amazing and she is my best friend here. Even if sometimes I want to shake her very very much and to kick out some stupid ideas from her head. And still I love her very much. And she is amazing (have I said that already? :}
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Beaver and women rights
Life in Malawi is amazing. Everything is amazing. I spent here two weeks and all I can say that life is completely different here. And I'm in love with Malawi.
Every day I meet one thousand people who names I forget before they say them. And after that next day I meet one thousand people in the street again and they say: “Hello Vaida, do you remember me?”. Every day I meet one person which asks me to discuss about some issues (it is favorite Malawian expression and action: to discuss about the issue :). And this person tells me about something what he is doing – composing music, singing, acrobatics and of course this person needs some assistance. I don't understand completely what is that assistance but I think that it is nice word for money, marriage or trip to Europe. Couple of times I met children asking for money. They always say “give me my money”. It sounds quite mhm... embarrassing because I am sure that I didn't take their money never in my life. It sounds if I'm owning something to them. So this thing isn't very nice. But today five boys started to follow me in the street when I was going back from market and they offered me a sugar cane. It is so delicious! I can't believe I never tried it before! Of course I felt a little bit like a beaver because I was eating a sugar cane which looks like a branch of tree. But it is really really delicious!
What else... AAAA! Couple of days ago I got first marriage proposal. When I was going with supervisor to one of the preschools the supervisor (it is person who is going together with volunteers to preschools and helps them to communicate with teachers and community) stopped to speak with two men. One of them proposed to me. It was really funny.
Yesterday me and Song (another volunteer) had discussion with one Malawian man about women and men. I couldn't sleep two hours after that. Really... This man is educated and he lives in teacher training college place. And the only thing what he admitted: WOMEN ARE HUMAN BEINGS. Men and women are not equal. Of course I tried to express my opinion that men and women are different but equal.... But no... It was impossible to stay calm during that discussion.
That Malawian man said that woman is a baby which is in need of care. And this care is provided by man. Woman needs to be protected every day. And of course, I almost forgot the big issue: man is a head of a family. Sorry, my spelling is incorrect: MAN is a HEAD of a FAMILY. Ha ha! It is very very important :} I wanted to say that woman is a neck and when neck turns then obviously the head has to turn too. But I was too mhm... almost furious so I didn't want this discussion to continue until the morning. And I wanted to say that during two weeks I saw only one or two men working in the field or garden. And I saw many many women working there and carrying big buckets and other things on their heads and at the same time carrying babies on their backs. So yeah... yesterday evening I had a rough time defending rights of Malawian women and all the women in the world :}
The other thing which surprised me very very very much is witches and witchcraft!!! Malawians believe it 300 %... It is incredible... But about this I will write next time. And I will write more about my work :} Now it is quite late – half past ten. Never in my life I went to bed so early. But never in my life I woke up so early. Tomorrow at 7 or before 7 somebody (small kids or students or the guy who repairs our bicycles) will wake me up. Here the day starts at 4-5 and ends at 6 – when is completely dark. So good night :}
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Keliones dienorastis Nr.2
Mano pirmas draugas Malavyje – taksi vairuotojas Amos.
Niekas čia nežino, kur yra Lietuva ir kas tai per valstybė. Todėl kartais pramogauju ir sakau įvairias šalis, iš kurių aš esu. Sakau Litvania, Lituan, Germany, Italy, Lituanyyyy, Latony, Letony, dar šitoj vietoj turiu palavinti savo fantaziją ir išgalvoti kokį įdomesnį pavadinimą. Nes vis tiek niekas nežino. Kai būdama Danijoje lankiausi pabėgėlių stovykloje, tai visi manė, kad aš iš Libijos.
Ta pati daina ir su mano vardu. Danijoje, kol išmoko mano vardą, praėjo du mėnesiai. Ir geriausias variantas, kurį išmoko ištarti ir sugebėjo prisiminti, buvo WEIDA. O mano draugas taksistas Amos mane vadina Leida ir sako, kad labai gražus vardas. Negaliu ginčytis, tikrai gražus.
Taigi, aš vėl sėdžiu oro uoste, tik šį kartą Lilongvėje (Malavio sostinė). Nuo antros valandos nakties, kai čia atskridom (dabar 9 ryto) kalbėjau su tiek žmonių, su kiek Lietuvoje pakalbėčiau per pusę metų, o Danijoje per kokius du metus. Visi kalbina, visi klausia, ar nepraleisiu savo lėktuvo, ką čia veikiu, ko laukiu ir kaip šiaip gyvenu. Jie nerealūs. Ir niekad nemaniau, bet juodaodžiai žmonės – ir moterys, ir vyrai yra nerealiai gražūs. Nerealiai gražūs ir labai draugiški.
Pamiršau dar pasakyti, kad prieš atskrendant į Lilongvę su Eva išlipome Zambijoje. Ha ha per klaidą, taip sakant. Jau einam iš lėktuvo, džiaugiamės, mano drauge sako - „Oh, Vaida, we are in Malawi!!! Jej!!!“. O aš sakau: „I don't feel we are in Malawi“ Pasirodo cha! Aš teisi. --- Palei nosį užrašas: „Welcome to Zambia“. Net nepatikėjau savo akimis, bet finale pasirodo, kad ten tikrai Zambija. Ojojoj... Tada bėgte į lėktuvą – pasirodo, dar neišskrido!! Bilietų prašo, o iš to skubėjimo nerandam, galų gale aš radau, parodžiau ir įleido abi į lėktuvą atgal. Kas gi galėjo žinoti, kad lėktuvas kaip autobusas - „kita stotelė Zambija“, „kita stotelė Lilongve“.
Taigi, galų gale atskridom į Lilongvę. Per laiką, kol laukėm kitų savanorių, kurie turėjo atskristi iš Nairobio, oro uoste gavau dovanų: tris telefono numerius iš trijų vyrukų ir dar kelis emailus. Prašo skambinti ir rašyti. O labiausiai norėtų mane vesti ir išvažiuoti į turtingą Europą. Cha, neišdegs :}}}
Dabar jau apsigyvenau Chilangomoje, mokytojų koledže. Iš Lilongvės į Blantyre, Chilangomą, važiavome gal šešias valandas. Šitos kelionės nepamiršiu niekada. Nepadariau nei vienos nuotraukos, bet mano galva pilna sustingusių vaizdų. Tarsi didžiulis albumas, su begale nuotraukų. Daugybė juodukų taksistų, laukiančių prie oro uosto. Penktą ryto vyrai įsilipę į didžiulius medžius, didžiuliais peiliais ar kindžalais, nežinau, kaip vadinasi, kerta šakas, juodos nugaros blizga nuo prakaito vis smarkiau plieskainčioje saulėje. Iš lagamino išsiimu kremą nuo įdegio ir staiga prisimenu, kad dabar čia žiema. Pakelėje kas keliolika metrų stovi vaikai – rankose ilgi virbai, ant virbų suvertos apskrudintos pelės. Styro rusvos uodegytės. Mažytės trobelės ir šiaudų, molio, tarsi pasakų nameliai, niekada nepagalvotum, kad ten gyvena žmonės. Laksto mažos ožkytės, vištos labai keistos – ant kaklo nėra plunksnų. Daugybė moterų neša daiktus ant galvos. Plaukai spindi saulėje lyg ištepti aliejumi, supinti į daugybes smulkių kasyčių. Kas kartą sulėtinus mašiną – pakelėse einantys žmonės žiūri išplėtę akis – keturi baltaodžiai (savanoriai, trys merginos ir vienas vyrukas) vienoje mašinoje, nelabai dažnas reginys. Vairuotojas sustoja savo namuose ir išlenda jo žmona – pasisveikina sus mumis, jaučiuosi kaip zoologijos sode. Tik kitoje narvo pusėje – mūsų atėjo apžiūrėti.
Kai kur prie kelio dega lauko žolės ploteliai. Didžiulėse krūvose pakelėse suversti vaisiai – atrodo, kad apelsinai. Sutemsta, atrodo, per kelias sekundes, ir pasidaro taip tamsu, kad nors į akį durk. Septintą vakaro tamsu tamsu. Mašinos šviesos apšviečia žmones pakelėse, daugybė važiuoja dviračiais, suaugę, vaikai – taip arti kelio, kad atrodo, mes tuoj numušim juos. Priekyje važiuoja nedidelis sunkvežimis, priekaboje dešimt žmonių, vieni stovi, kiti sėdi, po jų kojomis daugybė daiktų. Vairuotojas sako: „Veža karstą. Jeigu žmogus mirė kitame krašte Malavio, jį veža laidoti ten, kur jo tėvai“. Taip ir keliauja sunkvežimis per visą Malavį.
Važiuojam toliau. Užmiegu, kas kart prabudus pro akis šmėkšteli iš tamsos išnyrantys dviratininkai, žmonės pakelėse. Užmerkiu akis ir pasineriu į miegą. Galų gale - Chilangoma, koledžas ir nedidukas studentų miestelis – keliasdesimt namukų. 8 kilometrai nuo Blantyre. Čia gyvensiu 6 mėnesius.
Niekas čia nežino, kur yra Lietuva ir kas tai per valstybė. Todėl kartais pramogauju ir sakau įvairias šalis, iš kurių aš esu. Sakau Litvania, Lituan, Germany, Italy, Lituanyyyy, Latony, Letony, dar šitoj vietoj turiu palavinti savo fantaziją ir išgalvoti kokį įdomesnį pavadinimą. Nes vis tiek niekas nežino. Kai būdama Danijoje lankiausi pabėgėlių stovykloje, tai visi manė, kad aš iš Libijos.
Ta pati daina ir su mano vardu. Danijoje, kol išmoko mano vardą, praėjo du mėnesiai. Ir geriausias variantas, kurį išmoko ištarti ir sugebėjo prisiminti, buvo WEIDA. O mano draugas taksistas Amos mane vadina Leida ir sako, kad labai gražus vardas. Negaliu ginčytis, tikrai gražus.
Taigi, aš vėl sėdžiu oro uoste, tik šį kartą Lilongvėje (Malavio sostinė). Nuo antros valandos nakties, kai čia atskridom (dabar 9 ryto) kalbėjau su tiek žmonių, su kiek Lietuvoje pakalbėčiau per pusę metų, o Danijoje per kokius du metus. Visi kalbina, visi klausia, ar nepraleisiu savo lėktuvo, ką čia veikiu, ko laukiu ir kaip šiaip gyvenu. Jie nerealūs. Ir niekad nemaniau, bet juodaodžiai žmonės – ir moterys, ir vyrai yra nerealiai gražūs. Nerealiai gražūs ir labai draugiški.
Pamiršau dar pasakyti, kad prieš atskrendant į Lilongvę su Eva išlipome Zambijoje. Ha ha per klaidą, taip sakant. Jau einam iš lėktuvo, džiaugiamės, mano drauge sako - „Oh, Vaida, we are in Malawi!!! Jej!!!“. O aš sakau: „I don't feel we are in Malawi“ Pasirodo cha! Aš teisi. --- Palei nosį užrašas: „Welcome to Zambia“. Net nepatikėjau savo akimis, bet finale pasirodo, kad ten tikrai Zambija. Ojojoj... Tada bėgte į lėktuvą – pasirodo, dar neišskrido!! Bilietų prašo, o iš to skubėjimo nerandam, galų gale aš radau, parodžiau ir įleido abi į lėktuvą atgal. Kas gi galėjo žinoti, kad lėktuvas kaip autobusas - „kita stotelė Zambija“, „kita stotelė Lilongve“.
Taigi, galų gale atskridom į Lilongvę. Per laiką, kol laukėm kitų savanorių, kurie turėjo atskristi iš Nairobio, oro uoste gavau dovanų: tris telefono numerius iš trijų vyrukų ir dar kelis emailus. Prašo skambinti ir rašyti. O labiausiai norėtų mane vesti ir išvažiuoti į turtingą Europą. Cha, neišdegs :}}}
Dabar jau apsigyvenau Chilangomoje, mokytojų koledže. Iš Lilongvės į Blantyre, Chilangomą, važiavome gal šešias valandas. Šitos kelionės nepamiršiu niekada. Nepadariau nei vienos nuotraukos, bet mano galva pilna sustingusių vaizdų. Tarsi didžiulis albumas, su begale nuotraukų. Daugybė juodukų taksistų, laukiančių prie oro uosto. Penktą ryto vyrai įsilipę į didžiulius medžius, didžiuliais peiliais ar kindžalais, nežinau, kaip vadinasi, kerta šakas, juodos nugaros blizga nuo prakaito vis smarkiau plieskainčioje saulėje. Iš lagamino išsiimu kremą nuo įdegio ir staiga prisimenu, kad dabar čia žiema. Pakelėje kas keliolika metrų stovi vaikai – rankose ilgi virbai, ant virbų suvertos apskrudintos pelės. Styro rusvos uodegytės. Mažytės trobelės ir šiaudų, molio, tarsi pasakų nameliai, niekada nepagalvotum, kad ten gyvena žmonės. Laksto mažos ožkytės, vištos labai keistos – ant kaklo nėra plunksnų. Daugybė moterų neša daiktus ant galvos. Plaukai spindi saulėje lyg ištepti aliejumi, supinti į daugybes smulkių kasyčių. Kas kartą sulėtinus mašiną – pakelėse einantys žmonės žiūri išplėtę akis – keturi baltaodžiai (savanoriai, trys merginos ir vienas vyrukas) vienoje mašinoje, nelabai dažnas reginys. Vairuotojas sustoja savo namuose ir išlenda jo žmona – pasisveikina sus mumis, jaučiuosi kaip zoologijos sode. Tik kitoje narvo pusėje – mūsų atėjo apžiūrėti.
Kai kur prie kelio dega lauko žolės ploteliai. Didžiulėse krūvose pakelėse suversti vaisiai – atrodo, kad apelsinai. Sutemsta, atrodo, per kelias sekundes, ir pasidaro taip tamsu, kad nors į akį durk. Septintą vakaro tamsu tamsu. Mašinos šviesos apšviečia žmones pakelėse, daugybė važiuoja dviračiais, suaugę, vaikai – taip arti kelio, kad atrodo, mes tuoj numušim juos. Priekyje važiuoja nedidelis sunkvežimis, priekaboje dešimt žmonių, vieni stovi, kiti sėdi, po jų kojomis daugybė daiktų. Vairuotojas sako: „Veža karstą. Jeigu žmogus mirė kitame krašte Malavio, jį veža laidoti ten, kur jo tėvai“. Taip ir keliauja sunkvežimis per visą Malavį.
Važiuojam toliau. Užmiegu, kas kart prabudus pro akis šmėkšteli iš tamsos išnyrantys dviratininkai, žmonės pakelėse. Užmerkiu akis ir pasineriu į miegą. Galų gale - Chilangoma, koledžas ir nedidukas studentų miestelis – keliasdesimt namukų. 8 kilometrai nuo Blantyre. Čia gyvensiu 6 mėnesius.
Keliones dienorastis Nr.1
Rugpjūčio 5
Iš pradžių, kai išvažiavau į oro uostą, jaučiausi tikrai keistai. Atrodė, kad nenoriu niekur važiuoti, tik noriu pasislėpti po lova ir apsimesti, kad man niekur nereikia važiuoti. Bet dabar... Sėdžiu ant kilimo Nairobyje (pasirodo, Nairobis yra Kenijoje :} ačiū Lietuvos mokslo sistemai :} Jaučiuosi laiminga. Aš visada mėgstu tą jausmą, kuris užplūsta keliaujant – laukiant oro uoste, atiduodant bagažą, einant per bagažo kontrolę arba lipant į lėktuvą. Man tai pačios maloniausios kelionės akimirkos. Kai užplūsta artėjančio nuotykio nuojauta, kai širdis sustuksena stipriau ir dažniau. Ir tada suvokiu, kokia laisva esu. Mano laisvė begalinė ir neaprėpiama. Ir tai yra nuostabu :} Kaip kartais keista ir nerealu, kad būdama savo aplinkoje, tarp savo žmonių, tarp savo daiktų ne visada jaučiuosi laiminga, o čia – oro uoste, velniai žino kur, jaučiuosi laimingiausia pasaulyje. Man nieko nereikia ir nieko netrūksta. Aš nenoriu bambėti ir skųstis. Noriu šypsotis ir džiaugtis. Pavargau aš toje Danijoje, nuobodžiausioje valstybėje pasaulyje cha :} Per daug nukvakusių, per daug vadovaujančių, per daug žioplių, per daug danų kalbos, per daug darbų ir per daug energijos vampyrų ir vampyriukų :} Ir man tikrai nepatinka vietos, kur aš nenoriu ir negaliu juoktis. Todėl labai labai džiaugiuosi :}
Iš pradžių, kai išvažiavau į oro uostą, jaučiausi tikrai keistai. Atrodė, kad nenoriu niekur važiuoti, tik noriu pasislėpti po lova ir apsimesti, kad man niekur nereikia važiuoti. Bet dabar... Sėdžiu ant kilimo Nairobyje (pasirodo, Nairobis yra Kenijoje :} ačiū Lietuvos mokslo sistemai :} Jaučiuosi laiminga. Aš visada mėgstu tą jausmą, kuris užplūsta keliaujant – laukiant oro uoste, atiduodant bagažą, einant per bagažo kontrolę arba lipant į lėktuvą. Man tai pačios maloniausios kelionės akimirkos. Kai užplūsta artėjančio nuotykio nuojauta, kai širdis sustuksena stipriau ir dažniau. Ir tada suvokiu, kokia laisva esu. Mano laisvė begalinė ir neaprėpiama. Ir tai yra nuostabu :} Kaip kartais keista ir nerealu, kad būdama savo aplinkoje, tarp savo žmonių, tarp savo daiktų ne visada jaučiuosi laiminga, o čia – oro uoste, velniai žino kur, jaučiuosi laimingiausia pasaulyje. Man nieko nereikia ir nieko netrūksta. Aš nenoriu bambėti ir skųstis. Noriu šypsotis ir džiaugtis. Pavargau aš toje Danijoje, nuobodžiausioje valstybėje pasaulyje cha :} Per daug nukvakusių, per daug vadovaujančių, per daug žioplių, per daug danų kalbos, per daug darbų ir per daug energijos vampyrų ir vampyriukų :} Ir man tikrai nepatinka vietos, kur aš nenoriu ir negaliu juoktis. Todėl labai labai džiaugiuosi :}
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
"Soap making" project in Malawi
During preparation for Africa in Denmark I learned to make soap. I used very simple recipe. My plan is to organize soap making workshop in one of communities in the place where I am going to work in Malawi. I hope it will be very good income generating project and community will be able to improve the conditions in one of the preschools.
It was the first time I made soap. And it was successful. Together with my teammate I made simple white soap which looks to me like the most expensive soap in the world and I am quite proud of it. It smells like cleanliness and something white and pure. I know I am too proud and too romantic about this soap. This knowledge will help me in Africa and together with teachers to-be in the college or kids in the Youth club we will make soap. Hygiene issues are still "unknown land" for many children in developing countries. If I start to teach them simple things - to wash their hands before having a meal - I can help them to learn hygiene skills adn to be healhty.
The recipe is very simple and the ingredients are available and not expensive (very important in Malawi!)
1 litre water
1 litre oil
175 grams lye / caustic soda
1. Pour water into the bowl.
2. Carefully pour the lye into the bowl containing the water. You must avoid splashing-this is the most dangerous step! Never add the water to the lye.
3. Stir solution gently with a wooden spoon until dissolved. Make sure you have sufficient ventilation.
4. Let the solution cool down.
5. Pour the lye solution into the melted fat/oil in a thin stream. Stir continuously to ensure the lye mixes into the fat.
6. Continue stirring in a carefully manner to avoid splashing. The mixture should start thickening. This could take 1-2 hours.
7. Add aromas, clays, mineral pigments if you want.
8. Pour this liquid soap into plastic container mould. (Put the lid on and wrap with the towel).
9. Put the wrapped mould in a warm place and allow to set for 48 hours.
10. After 48 hours, unwrap the mould. If the surface is still very soft leave lid
off for a day.
11 Remove soap from mould.
12. Cut the block into bars of soap.
13. Stack "green soap" to harden for one month or more.
When you make soap always use safety gloves and goggles or eyeglasses.
My project in Malawi
In less than two weeks I am going to Africa, Malawi. I am going to work as volunteer - Development Instructor at the Humana People to People organization in Teacher Training College. Being a volunteer is the most interesting and challenging experience in my life. I was working with children with special needs in a school in Denmark. I was studying for six months to gain knowledge which will be useful in Africa. I am prepared to go to Malawi. I have a big hope to change something and I will work a lot. I have goals to reach and tasks to complete there. I am happy to go to Africa.
Why Malawi?
Today Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world with over 60% of the population living in abject poverty. The primary school became free of charge in 1994, the enrollment of children increased and the need of teachers increased as well. In 2002 Humana People to People established the first Humana Teacher Training College in Malawi. Today still thousands of teachers are needed. Due to the HIV/AIDS epidemic many teachers are losing their life in an early age. It is not unusual to find 70-100 pupils and one teacher in the primary school.
What am I going to do there?
I will be working in Malawi Teacher Training College (TTC) in Chilangoma for 6 months. It doesn’t matter that it is going to be half a year - I have many tasks to do and many goals to reach. I will work in preschools, Youth center; I will organize clubs with students at the college. I will plan and lead different activities with students and children in Youth club: films, art club, sports, courses about HIV/AIDS and other questions for young people. I will organize open days with community. The teacher training colleges have developed themselves to be lively centers for a range of activities for children, youth and for the local and oftentimes broader community as such, running for instance evening schools and skills training courses; outreach activities and improvement actions; establishing and/or supporting local preschools; establishing farmers' clubs or similar programs with the point of departure in the primary school; and more.
Friday, 16 July 2010
One month left
I can't believe that only one moth left here in Denmark. In the beginning of August I will go to Africa, Malawi. My project is Teacher Training College in Chilangoma. I am looking forward to go there.
But first I am going to tell how everything started.
My story of getting into the volunteer program - Development Instructor program began ten years ago. I saw an article in the newspaper. It was about one Lithuanian girl who went to Denmark to DI program and after that she went to Africa where she did really good job. She worked in the TTC (Teacher training college) and with the local community in Africa. I remember what I thought about her "very brave, determined and strong person" and I was jealous of her experience and her bravery and determination. Now that I am here I can say that it is not easy to start a new path in your life but if you want to change something everything is possible. A long time passed after that moment when I read this article but finally I am here. This winter I went to info meeting about DI program in Vilnius, Lithuania and after that I enrolled myself in this program. Now I am part of February team in Gansager and I haven't regretted my decision to join DI program. Of course I liked my life in Lithuania I had a job that I loved and a lot of friends that I miss so much. But I made decision to come here because I felt that if don't make this decision now then I will never go to Africa as volunteer and I will regret that. One of my dreams was to be a volunteer. I think that sometimes people have dreams but they are afraid to take actions and to change their life. I didn't want this dream to be one of those that never come true. That's why I made up my mind, enrolled in the program and booked my ticket to Denmark. That's why I am preparing for my project in Africa and I know that I will do a good job there.
I am not this person who wants to save the world and everybody in this world. Usually I am sarcastic, crazy and making bad jokes about many things. But this time I feel that I really want to do something in Africa and I want to help somebody and I want to save somebody :}
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